

  • In the US, it is now ubiquitous in the modern diet and present in processed food in the form of flour, oil, & lecithin
  • Traditional Asian food diets utilize fermented and unprocessed soy which partially neutralizes the toxins in soybeans.
  • Soy can inhibit protein digestion, and affect pancreatic function
  • Contains phytic acid, which reduces absorption of minerals
  • Increases our need for Vitamin D
  • Disrupt endocrine function
  • Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potential neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing
  • Can stimulate the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors and cause thyroid problems

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Atlanta Office:

Phone: 404-963-9773

Fax: 404-963-9769

Hours: 9am – 6pm M-Th

10am – 2pm Friday




Austin Office:

Phone: 512-788-9941 or 512-788-9942

3315 Ranch Road 620 South, suite 100

Austin, Texas 78738


Nutraceutical Store: 

Phone: 404-963-9771  

Fax: 404-963-9769

3193 Howell Mill Road NW,

Suite 306

Atlanta, GA, 30327

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