Holistic Medicine with a Holistic Doctor

Holistic Medicine with a Holistic DoctorHolistic Medicine

We are Holistic Medical Practice, that practices Holistic Medicine with a Holistic Doctor or Naturopathic Medical Doctor. Additionally, we practice Comprehensive Naturopathic Medicine including:  Integrative Medicine, Environmental Medicine and Functional Medicine.

We are a Holistic Medical Practices focus on Holistic Medicine Atlanta, GA or Holistic Medicine Austin, TX with a Holistic Doctor along with the natural processes of the body, mind and spirit.   The use of natural processes, natural foods, natural modalities, supplements, diets, changes in lifestyle, can yield a more natural output of your body and health including utilizing your healing processes.  We believe the more natural you can lead your life, then a more balanced experience you may have including less chronic illnesses, less impacts by man-made chemicals, more balanced immune system response, more balanced hormone expressions, stronger defense of the stresses of life, etc.

OUR MISSION - Holistic Medicine with a Holistic Doctor though a Holistic Medical Practice along with Naturopathic Medicine, Functional Medicine, and Integrative Medicine. We offer combination of Holistic and Conventional Medicine forms an efficient approach to healthcare.

Integrative Care

SIEM’S approach combines cutting-edge, research-based naturopathic medicine with the best therapeutic options from conventional medicine.

Plan of Health

We strive to provide a plan of health, rather a collaboration between the patient and practitioner that is dynamic as individuals are dynamic.

Types of food representing digestive health nutraceuticals in Atlanta, GA

Diet & LifeStyle

We make every effort to help patients to better understand the role that diet, lifestyle, and our environment plays in our health and happiness

Personalized Care

SIEM provides patient-centered, personalized care. The goal is more then just absence of disease, but rather to THRIVE and enjoy life.

It is more important to know what person has the disease than which disease the person has – William Osler Founding professor of Johns Hopkins Hospital

About Holistic Medicine, Holistic Doctor, Naturopathic Medicine and Integrative Medicine


Vis Medicatrix Naturae

(The healing power of nature)

Trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself.


(Doctor as teacher)

Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health.

Tolle Causam.

(Identify and treat the causes)

Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause. The naturopathic physician seeks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness rather than to merely eliminate or suppress symptoms.

In Pertubato Animo Sicut In Corpore Sanitas Esse Non Potest

(Treat the whole person)

View the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions.

Primum Non Nocere

(First Do No Harm)

Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.

Principiis Obsta: Sero Medicina Curatur


Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.

We embrace the challenges in understanding interactions between our biological systems

Our Bodies' Major Systems:



Skeletal Bones










Many Factors Play Critical Roles In Our Health And Wellness

Contact Us

Atlanta Office:

Phone: 404-963-9773

Fax: 404-963-9769

Hours: 9am – 6pm M-Th

10am – 2pm Friday




Austin Office:

Phone: 512-788-9941 or 512-788-9942

3315 Ranch Road 620 South, suite 100

Austin, Texas 78738


Nutraceutical Store: 

Phone: 404-963-9771  

Fax: 404-963-9769

3193 Howell Mill Road NW,

Suite 306

Atlanta, GA, 30327

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